English and Languages Academy (ELA)

Executive Teacher:  Nick Wright
EHL Staff: Craig Ackland, Jack Gibson, Sarah Jordan, Rosie Randle, James West

The English Academy fosters a love of literature and the English language through the delivery of college English courses at every level. We strive to incorporate texts that represent Indigenous ways of knowing, doing and being, and texts that celebrate the diverse cultures of our students.  In each course, we address literacy and language needs through the context of relevant text types.

Completion of courses in this Academy will assist you in developing:

  • Research skills
  • Valuable thinking Skills
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Communication skills
  • Teamwork skills
  • Interpersonal and intercultural skills

In line with our cultural integrity focus and drawing upon Tyson Yunkaporta’s (2019) five ways of thinking, we support students to reflect upon:

The significance of narrative in shaping the ways we think

How narratives are shaped and shared through relationships between humans, nonhumans, places and knowledge

How narratives use symbols to convey messages

How narratives are transmitted best through deep engagement

How patterns occur in narratives across deep time and space

English as a Second Language courses are suitable for study by students from non-English speaking backgrounds. The study of a language will help students to broaden their horizons by enabling them to access the culture and means of communication of another country. Another language can be helpful in any career or business enterprise which might involve communication in or with another country. Students may begin the study of languages in Year 11 or continue courses of study from Year 10.

See our Course Guide for specific course information.